Androids may require something called an App password to setup your BHHS email on it.  Please see document titled “Creating and using App Password-Office 365” for instructions on how to set it up.  You can also alternatively use the Microsoft Outlook app if so please.  Please see “Setting up email on iPhone and Android using the Outlook App”.


  1. On the android go to settings.
  2. Androids all look a little different but there should be an option within the settings for accounts.

  1. Choose add account.

  1. Depending on the Android you may have the option for either, Corporate Sync, Exchange or Microsoft Exchange Active Sync.  Any of those choices is fine.

  1. Enter your email address and password.
  2. It may then take you the screen where it shows the server and domain\username fields.   This most likely means you need to use an app password, please create one and put one in the password field.   The domain\username should bhhsne\your email address and server should be 
  3. If you get the remote security administration message please hit OK

  1. Give the account a name and you should now be able to access email.
  2. The first time you go into email you may get another message about updating security on the droid, hit update and activate device administrator.